
A batch of three vintage colour cards from John Schlesinger’s classic from the late 1960’s. These are the “colourised” style images which became popular at a certain point in time during the 1960’s in particular. Unfortunately this batch only represents a partial set (with five cards absent). However, two of the pieces of memorabilia present here are certainly the most iconic from the overall set, I would say.

In addition to fine career defining performances by Voight and Hoffman, the film is also memorable for the inclusion of the classic song “Everybody’s Talkin'”, performed by Harry Nilsson and a wonderful score composed by John Barry.

Midnight Cowboy (1969) expanded soundtrack score and song (2xCD)
A limited edition official expanded 2xCD soundtrack album is available and comes highly recommended.


Should you require a detailed report on the condition of this memorabilia, please get in touch


Sorry, but this set is not for sale at the present time. If you are looking to add similar cards to your own collection I would recommend checking on Ebay®. To list all LIVE matching listings follow the dedicated link (below).


John Schlesinger


Jon Voight, Dustin Hoffman


Country of Origin

NSS Release

n/a (none stated)


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