
A single vintage card from the original release in Germany of Ridley Scott’s science fiction masterpiece, starring Harrison Ford, Sean Young and Rutger Hauer.

Der Blade Runner (1982) [film logo]

Note: I have 7 (seven) other cards from this original German issued set of 16 images in total. The other 7 in possession of the Lobby Cards Gallery will be digitally scanned-in and added to this portfolio page in due course (the delay being down to their unorthodox size, which is fractionally over “A4”, so therefore difficult to scan).


Should you require a detailed report on the condition of this memorabilia, please get in touch


Sorry, but this set is not for sale at the present time. If you are looking to add similar cards to your own collection I would recommend checking on Ebay®. To list all LIVE matching listings follow the dedicated link (below).


Ridley Scott


Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Brion James, Joanna Cassidy


Country of Origin

NSS Release

n/a (German cards)


Action, Drama
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