
A partial set of three cards from an international release of cult classic “Walking Tall”. Card numbers 3, 5 and 6 are present. Sadly the others are missing.

Collector’s note: The absence of an “NSS” release code indicate that although these cards were printed in the U.S.A., they were intended for use overseas. It is worth noting also that the numbered cards here do NOT correlate with a further batch of cards in the Lobby Cards Gallery collection that DO feature an NSS release code (see here).

See also


Should you require a detailed report on the condition of this memorabilia, please get in touch


Sorry, but this set is not for sale at the present time. If you are looking to add similar cards to your own collection I would recommend checking on Ebay®. To list all LIVE matching listings follow the dedicated link (below).


Phil Karlson


Joe Don Baker, Elizabeth Hartman


Country of Origin

NSS Release

n/a (none stated)


Action, Biography
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