The Running Man (1987) USA vs. UK sets

The Running Man (1987) USA cinema lobby card
Card number 5 from the USA lobby set
The Running Man (1987) UK Front of House Lobby Card
A virtually identical card from the UK FOH set

"Killian... I'll be back!"

"Only in a re-run..."

Fans of the Arnie classic "The Running Man" are now able to compare the vintage lobby / front of house sets from both the USA and UK releases.

Unusually, the American card set (NSS release code 870063) comprised of only 6 images (verified as such and numbered 1~6), whereas the UK set of Front of House cards has the more typical total of 8 cards.

Some of the scenes depicted are similar (particularly the pair shown on this article) but if you look closely you'll find that even these are not 100% identical (scroll down the page for instant, easy viewing of both sets).

With the additional 2 cards and the inclusion of the actually film logo typography, I would personally take the UK cards ahead of the USA ones on this occasional. The only downside of the UK cards is that they have the dreaded "full-bleed" upper corners, whereas the American cards are protected with a 4mm or so white edge. Both of these sets are increasingly more difficult to track down in any condition, but a "mint" or otherwise undamaged UK set is a particularly rare find.

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Look out for more similar opportunities to compare sets and cards from different international releases, right here, in due course.

Happy comparing...

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